Thursday, July 19, 2007

Introspection : 100% honest with somebody:

Well, I have heard many couples saying that they are 100% honest to their partners. Somehow, I was never able to digest whatever they said and completely believe them. I am not saying that they are lying. They say so because they feel that they are 100% honest. Finally, I found out the reason why I wasn't able to believe that one can be 100% honest to somebody. Its because, no one is 100% honest to itself. I decided to be 100% honest with somebody. First step was to be 100% honest with myself. I always believed that I am honest to myself, but when I closely analyzed the theories, I realized that I believe in some theories because I am comfortable with believing in them. I realized that some of the theories I formulated for myself, some of the reasons I have been giving to myself till now gave me false hopes and comfort. So, I decided to face the truth and thought of critically re-analyzing all the postulates, reasonings and theories, and then to leave whatever is not truth even if I am very much comfortable with it. WTF? Its not that easy. Indeed I realized that I am not that strong enough to face the truth and stop believing in whatever I am comfortable with, and finally stand fully naked in front of mirror just to get the glance of "100% Jasdeep - so pure, so honest". Finally, I came up with an excuse : Afterall, I am human and I was so relieved, so calm, so peaceful, so happy. Anyway, when I wrote that "I realized that I am not that strong enough to....", I meant "I realized that I am 'STILL' not that strong enough to....". Wish me luck.


Blogger neo said...

I am not sure if u can be 100% honest with someone but I dont like that idea either. Most of it u can be clear with urself and others but there r many issues in life where i prefer lie which brings a smile to a truth which upsets them. Big or small but they do matter..


3:24 PM  
Blogger Tarun Soni said...

One grammatical error "Its because, no one is 100% honest to itself", it should have been himself/herself or themselves

Also "Its because, no one is 100% honest to itself. I decided to be 100% honest with somebody. First step was to be 100% honest with myself. I always believed that I am honest to myself, but when I closely analyzed the theories, I realized that I believe in some theories because I am comfortable with believing in them." , you ar losing me here with too many sentences with too many I. myself.. making a compound sentence with commas would make it more pleasing.

Everyone has a comfort zone, I mean life is better comfortable than with very stinging truths that are of little or no use?? But yeah sometimes these comfortable lies might cause trouble much worse than the biting truths. But this randomness makes it more thrilling. I think it would get really monotonous everyone saying the truth to each other. It is the inequities and the probabilities make it more life like? Dont u think so mate??
But again this is just another reason to avoid being true to yourself...

5:58 PM  
Blogger Kalyan said...

A says to B "i am 100% honest with you". My take on this is - If you have to say it, you better not say it. The line of reasoning is more or less like this - If you have to ask the question, you don't have the right to the answer.

So if i say ""believe me honey, i am always honest with u", it sounds like defending myself. When u say 'honey i am honest with u' u only mean - 'honey i don't want to hurt u. i care about u. but plz dont poke u'r nose in every god-damn thing of mine.

if u have to say that u r honest, then surely the other party will not be able to comprehend the objectivity of ur otherwise statement that ''honey, nobody can be honest 100%

So its again better this way.

10:58 PM  
Blogger DC said...

Hey kalyan! realy Liked ur Thoughts on this.

11:55 PM  
Blogger Ritesh Saurabh said...

I found out the reason why I wasn't able to believe that one can be 100% honest to somebody. what's the reason u found ? and why u got the idea of being naked while u were introspecting ur theory ?

3:42 PM  

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