Saturday, May 26, 2007

I don’t believe

I am not anti-god. I am still a seeker.

I don’t believe, anymore in you;
You don’t exist, don’t have any proof.
Days gone back, I was like a child;
Believing it to be true, whatever taught.

Now I see, that this world is real;
And your theories of ; love, respect and fear.
I know if I believe in you, my life will become simpler,
But I am a man of reasons, not a pretender.
Even in my life, not everything is in my hand,
“Who gives his everything”- I want to be that man.

They always say, your existence is unquestionable,
But it’s an easier way to answer, what is unanswerable.
I have ten or hundred, or may be thousand questions,
But I am not holding back, until I find the solution.
Ohh! Believe me God; I want to believe in you,
But can not do that, unless I see the proof.

I don’t believe, anymore in you;
You don’t exist, don’t have any proof.
Days gone back, I was like a child;
Believing it to be true, whatever taught.

- Jasdeep Mandia


Blogger Ankush said...

Hi, well i ve the same thoughts as you, bt ya as u mention, we need to keep making efforts. Maybe the first step is to understand life n people, maybe in tht we automatically understand what God is. Hum honge kamyaab ek din :)

4:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hey jassi cant comment on this spiritual topic man..for me believing in GOD is a faith which controls everything and theres more to explore 'within' than exploring 'HIM'..thats wat i believe..

5:38 PM  

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