Poem: Wanna get out of this puzzle

Wanna get out of this puzzle
World around me revolving,
seems everything deceiving,
tired of being in trouble,
one thing leads to another,
seems like it "ll go forever,
its never going to over,
I am in a state of muddle,
Wanna get out of this puzzle.
Wind is blowing against me,
put me back where I started,
but sometimes I reach till the end,
but it doesn't make any difference,
every pain now I feel,
trying! its hard to breathe,
I am in a state of muddle,
Wanna get out of this puzzle.
I 've seen angel & devil,
& and always believed in free will,
but there is someone who is controlling,
not giving me what I am deserving,
not letting me get out of here,
he is the one who is not being fair,
I am in a state of muddle,
Wanna get out of this puzzle.
I had some desires,
I had a burning fire,
but nothing is in my hand,
everything here is preplanned,
there just one option left,
kill myself & take rest,
I am in a state of muddle,
Wanna get out of this puzzle.
What new world would be like?
I may be flying like a kite,
or may be things get worsen,
a bigger maze I enter,
there is no certainty,
but that's the way I"ll be free,
I am in a state of muddle,
Wanna get out of this puzzle.
Now I am feeling very light,
seeing everything very bright,
I don't feel now any pain,
no blood flowing in any vein,
wind is not against me,
may be I am not feeling,
I think I have solved the riddle,
Now I am out of that puzzle.
I see that world from here,
see my friends, foes and peers,
I see people whom I betrayed,
I came here, alone there they stayed,
there is thunder & lightening,
but still all those are fighting,
I may not have solved the riddle,
may be, I should be in that puzzle.
-jasdeep mandia